Archdiocese of Ukraine
The Most Rev Bishop. +Taras Sergiyovich Shevchenko
Archbishop of the Ukraine & Ukrainian Delegate to the IChBC
Chaplain-General of the IChBC Chaplains Corps in Ukraine
Ukraine Faculty Dean; Deanary Chapter of IUBC Faculty of Spiritual, Religious & Interfaith Missionaries
Ukraine Delegate to the ICBC Global Assembly for Spiritual, Religious & Interfaith Missionaries
Spiritual Protector; Sovereign Order of the Blue Cross
The Most Rev Bishop. +Taras Sergiyovich Shevchenko
Archbishop of the Ukraine & Ukrainian Delegate to the IChBC
Chaplain-General of the IChBC Chaplains Corps in Ukraine
Ukraine Faculty Dean; Deanary Chapter of IUBC Faculty of Spiritual, Religious & Interfaith Missionaries
Ukraine Delegate to the ICBC Global Assembly for Spiritual, Religious & Interfaith Missionaries
Spiritual Protector; Sovereign Order of the Blue Cross